Back in the old days (before the 1990s) people didn’t really have lots of choices where their baby was born. It was pretty much understood that you would have your baby at the hospital that delivered babies that was closest to where you lived. This made perfect sense. If you can help it, you don’t want to be driving too far with a woman in labor.
Of course this was all before hospitals and birthing centers figured they could make more money by fighting over your insurance money. Today’s expecting parents have far more options than our ancestors. Nowadays, area hospitals have special birthing centers and they advertise and compete for your (and your wife’s) business. They all offer different luxuries and perks for having your “birthing experience” with them. Some of these include: having your loved ones in the room with you, having your baby in water, having special music pumped in—the list goes on.
This is a very personal choice between a woman, her husband, their insurance company and their accountant. I would never suggest which option is best. Just remember, when a woman’s water breaks you really want to be in the hospital as it is not only a bit unnerving, it can also be very damaging to your car’s leather seats. Plus, no matter what a woman says about wanting to be surrounded by her loved ones, when push comes to shove (literally here) she’s not going to
give a darn who’s in the room besides the doctor and nurses (as they are the ones who can give her the drugs.)
Another option that has been gaining in popularity is having your baby at home with the aid of a midwife. I’m sure this is a perfectly safe option, as many midwives deliver as many babies in a year as many doctors. Plus licensed midwifes are backed by doctors and hospitals just in case there is an emergency that needs extra care. Still, I may be an old-fashioned guy, but having a baby at home is a bit too old-fashioned for my tastes. There are times when having a highly trained hospital staff and modern drugs around are good—if not for your wife’s comfort than at least for your comfort.
Source : John Zakour. A Man's Guide to Pregnancy.2003
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